City Where Stars Are Not

By Matthew Vincenty

May 1, 2015

We are pleased to announce the release of our next single "City Where Stars Are Not"! It will be available Tuesday May 5th and features lead vocals by bassist David Hunt. Thanks to Peter Recine who also assisted with additional vocal tracking.

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New Pedal! ChadderBox Effects Loud Louder

By Corey Wade

April 27, 2015

I have the good fortune to have recently met Chad from ChadderBox Effects. It turns out he works part-time on the same floor in the same building where I also work part-time. When I found out Chad made pedals, I naturally found myself having 30 minute conversations with the dude almost any time I’d bump into him in the hallway. When gearheads start, it’s kind of hard to stop...well, I know some of you know what I’m talking about. Everyone else has probably stopped reading this blogpost already, so we’re good.

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Introducing: Ariél Torres

By Corey Wade

April 24, 2015

Everyone needs to check out Boston-based visual artist Ariél Torres’ work. He was very nice to let us use one of his pieces for “Your Teeth Shake”, and we couldn’t be more stoked about it. Check out his other work and his personal blog at:

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New Pedal! Fuzzrocious Rat Tail

By Matthew Vincenty

April 21, 2015

I found myself in the position of needing to put together a new board to fill in on guitar with our friends Glacier. First I needed a distortion pedal that could pull of their heavier bits so I started to do some research. The guitarist I'm filling in for has a Proco Rat on his board so I thought I might go for something in that direction. I'd heard of Fuzzrocious and have wanted an excuse to get one of their pedals so I thought this would be a perfect opportunity. 

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Using two amps

By Matthew Vincenty

April 17, 2015

Sometimes just one amp isn't enough. Using multiple amps together can yield a sound that is more than the sum of it's parts. Both Corey and myself have split our singal to multiple amps. Currently Corey runs both a Fender Twin Reverb and a Savage Blitz 50 simultaneously.

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New Pedal! Strymon BigSky Reverb

By Matthew Vincenty

April 13, 2015

Strymon does everything right with this pedal. I consider the BigSky the be-all and end-all reverb. You can get everything from the most basic ambience to a cavernous cacaphony and everything in between.

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Heavy Seth: Origins

By Seth Botos

April 10, 2015

You may be wondering, “How did such a mild-mannered gentleman/scholar like Seth Botos ever become so enamored with such demonic, aggressive music?” Well, even if you aren’t, here is the first installment of some of the records that set me on that path. These aren’t necessarily my favorite albums, now or then, but they are the first ones I got from these particular artists and put an indelible stamp on my tastes, for better or for worse. Enjoy.

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Your Teeth Shake

By Matthew Vincenty

April 1, 2015

Our second single "Your Teeth Shake" will be available Tuesday April 7th!

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Heavy Seth

By Seth Botos

January 14, 2015

The other Undersea boys have been bugging me for months about contributing to their blog. Until now I have adamantly refused, mainly due to my disdain for things like “writing”, but also because I couldn’t imagine what I could present that would be worth the time it would take for all of you wonderful people out there to read it. Corey, David, and Matt write treatises on pedals, board set up, and other equipment, and I don’t know shit about gear. I’ve been playing the same drum kit since the sixth grade. They all released “Best of 2014” lists, but I routinely fail to stay abreast of current releases no matter how hard I try. 

Sometime around the first of this year, however, I had an epiphany. There is something I am passionate enough about to scribe a few words every few weeks on the subject. That is...fucking metal. So, I’ll be bringing you my favorites in aural brutality whenever the inspiration strikes. 

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Corey's Top 10 Album Picks of 2014

By Corey Wade

January 10, 2015

I bought, stole, or involuntarily received (cough cough U2 cough) exactly 31 albums that came out this past year.  Some I listened to once, some twice, others dozens of times.  Here are my 10 favorites, in no particular order.

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