A huge portion of laying out a board is wiring it. There have been plenty of layouts I've put together that fell apart when I started to layout cables. Even the smallest, slimmest plugs take up space between your effects.
Matthew Vincenty
August 25, 2014
A huge portion of laying out a board is wiring it. There have been plenty of layouts I've put together that fell apart when I started to layout cables. Even the smallest, slimmest plugs take up space between your effects.
Matthew Vincenty
August 21, 2014
Since my last post talking about pedal board organization I've done some moving around. I watched this video and was inspired! So I've gone back to the drawing board and decided I'd like to get a few new pedals. First up is the Molten Voltage Molten Midi 2.
Matthew Vincenty
July 27, 2014
Got a power supply chosen? Great what order are you pedals going to be in?
David Joseph Hunt
July 26, 2014
I just wanted to write a quick post thanking everyone who came out to our show the other night at TT the Bears Place. It was a great turnout and a lot of fun to play for you all. We really appreciate your support.
David Joseph Hunt
July 15, 2014
On Thursday July 24th, we will be playing our debut show at TT the Bear's Place in Cambrdige, MA. We are playing with New Myths, Polysonic Joy, and The Lousy Instruments.
David Joseph Hunt
July 10, 2014
If you are serious musician or in a band, then you probably have a Bandcamp, a Facebook page, a Soundcloud, and maybe a Twitter or Instagram account. While those platforms are all well and good, at the end of they day they aren't enough. Your band needs a website.
Bandcamp is a solid platform for selling music digitally online, but you are limited in terms of how your content is presented, and it's hard to stand out against the millions of other Bandcamp pages begging users to take their free music. Facebook pages are a great way to interact with fans, but there plenty of people who don't use Facebook and the vast majority of those who do spend a lot more time looking at BuzzFeed quizzes than they do band pages. You need a central hub, where you can tie all this disparate tools together; therefore, you need a website.
The major blockers for most bands to getting a website is that websites are generally complicated, cost money, and take time to maintain. The good news is there are some affordable and relatively easy options to getting a basic site up and running. But even when bands get a site up and running, I find they rarely update it, post to it, or touch it at all, so it quickly becomes out of date. The success of your online presence relies heavily on your ability to constantly put out content, not just when you have a new song or show.
Below are step by step instructions to setting up a simple website for your band.
Matthew Vincenty
June 23, 2014
Undersea relies on lots of gadgets and gizmos to make our music. We have a love for those little (or big) stompboxes and often our creativity is inspired by them. But when you ended up getting as many as we've accumulated there start to be practical concerns. So we enter the world of power supplies.
These days we are faced with a multitude of choices when it comes to powering guitar pedals. Daisy chain cables, DC bricks, isolated units. What's the difference? What are the benefits?
David Joseph Hunt
June 23, 2014
Coming up with an unclaimed band name in the Internet age proves extrememly difficult. Almost every single-word noun has been taken at this point and most Google searches will yield a list of MySpace pages of a band from 5 years ago with your the name that you wanted.
Having a creative and capable recording engineer working on your project can make the difference bewteen a decent recording and a remarkable one. While you can outfit your bedroom with a DAW and a few quality mics for under $1000, in an attempt to do it yourself, recording and mixing an album is a ton of work that requires an objective perspective that you can quickly lose when you are trying to do it all by yourself.
David Joseph Hunt
June 19, 2014
"Oh our last and final name is Nirvana." - Kurt Cobain
When Kurt Cobain scribbled that diary entry into one of his spiral spiral-bound notebooks, he had knowingly or unknowingly come up with one of...if not the best band name of all time. It's simple, powerful, without extreme connotations, and ultimately enhanced and was enhanced by the music the band made. And it turns out that in 2014, it's pretty hard to come up with a decent, if not good band name.