Corey Wade

Corey Wade is the vocalist and guitarist for Boston-based experimental rock band Undersea

Recent Posts by Corey Wade

New Pedal! ChadderBox Effects Loud Louder

By Corey Wade

April 27, 2015

I have the good fortune to have recently met Chad from ChadderBox Effects. It turns out he works part-time on the same floor in the same building where I also work part-time. When I found out Chad made pedals, I naturally found myself having 30 minute conversations with the dude almost any time I’d bump into him in the hallway. When gearheads start, it’s kind of hard to stop...well, I know some of you know what I’m talking about. Everyone else has probably stopped reading this blogpost already, so we’re good.

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Introducing: Ariél Torres

By Corey Wade

April 24, 2015

Everyone needs to check out Boston-based visual artist Ariél Torres’ work. He was very nice to let us use one of his pieces for “Your Teeth Shake”, and we couldn’t be more stoked about it. Check out his other work and his personal blog at:

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Corey's Top 10 Album Picks of 2014

By Corey Wade

January 10, 2015

I bought, stole, or involuntarily received (cough cough U2 cough) exactly 31 albums that came out this past year.  Some I listened to once, some twice, others dozens of times.  Here are my 10 favorites, in no particular order.

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