Undersea is proud to be featured as part of the WE ARE NOT TRUMP - Volume Two compilation to benefit Planned Parenthood. This compilation features local musicians who oppose Trump's actions and his rhetoric.
David Joseph Hunt
February 20, 2017
Undersea is proud to be featured as part of the WE ARE NOT TRUMP - Volume Two compilation to benefit Planned Parenthood. This compilation features local musicians who oppose Trump's actions and his rhetoric.
David Joseph Hunt
April 8, 2016
Its only April, but 2016 has already had some pretty cool music. I wanted to share some of the music that I have been listenning to lately.
Stream this playlist on Spotify or Apple Music.
Most of the tracks are from this year, with a few released last year. Here is my April playlist:
David Joseph Hunt
August 13, 2015
Brooklyn-based AM to AM's debut full length album Shadown Bully drops Friday August 14th, and it should not be missed! The band blends pop, hard-rock, and electronic influences to create some very heavy yet very danceable tracks. You hear the first single Tilting at Windmills below:
David Joseph Hunt
June 30, 2015
The inevitable rise in the popularity of music streaming services has transformed the way that we interact with music (arguably both for the better and for the worse). On one hand, I have the world's greatest record collection at my disposal, but on the other hand, I often find myself paralyzed by the amount of music and gravitating towards that which I am already familiar with. Similarly, I get exposed to more new music than ever, while simultaneously spending less time sitting with and digesting that music. Additionally, there has been a fundamental shift in our perceived monetary value of music, which raises all kinds of issues for both burgeoning startups services and struggling artists.
Today Apple's answer to streaming music launched into this volatile, yet growing industry. Apple Music aims to connect tastemakers, artists, and fans in new ways to create an all in one destination for music. While I was pretty skeptical of another service promising to "save" music, Trent Reznor and co. have managed to deliver on a unique, personal musical experience. Here are some of my initial impressions with regards to Apple Music:
Seth Botos
April 10, 2015
You may be wondering, “How did such a mild-mannered gentleman/scholar like Seth Botos ever become so enamored with such demonic, aggressive music?” Well, even if you aren’t, here is the first installment of some of the records that set me on that path. These aren’t necessarily my favorite albums, now or then, but they are the first ones I got from these particular artists and put an indelible stamp on my tastes, for better or for worse. Enjoy.
Seth Botos
January 14, 2015
The other Undersea boys have been bugging me for months about contributing to their blog. Until now I have adamantly refused, mainly due to my disdain for things like “writing”, but also because I couldn’t imagine what I could present that would be worth the time it would take for all of you wonderful people out there to read it. Corey, David, and Matt write treatises on pedals, board set up, and other equipment, and I don’t know shit about gear. I’ve been playing the same drum kit since the sixth grade. They all released “Best of 2014” lists, but I routinely fail to stay abreast of current releases no matter how hard I try.
Sometime around the first of this year, however, I had an epiphany. There is something I am passionate enough about to scribe a few words every few weeks on the subject. That is...fucking metal. So, I’ll be bringing you my favorites in aural brutality whenever the inspiration strikes.
Corey Wade
January 10, 2015
I bought, stole, or involuntarily received (cough cough U2 cough) exactly 31 albums that came out this past year. Some I listened to once, some twice, others dozens of times. Here are my 10 favorites, in no particular order.
David Joseph Hunt
December 31, 2014
Yesterday, my friend and bandmate Matthew posted his top 10 albums of 2014. So I have decided to gather my favorite records of the year into a post of my own list.
Once again, I must warn you that I will be attempting to write about music, which always proves pretty futile when you can just let the works speak for themselves (I have included embeded players so you can check out the music). There were also plenty of awesome records that I didn't get a chance to check out this year, but as of December 31, 2014, these are my favorite records of the year in no particular order...
Matthew Vincenty
December 30, 2014
In no particular order here are the 10 records I liked best this year. I wish I could listen to every new record, but inevitably something always slips through my radar. I find every year I discover several records in early the next year that I would include.
Matthew Vincenty
December 1, 2014
I loved David's post on emerging bands that need to be heard. I thought I would share my list.
Below are 5 more bands that you need to hear. Being from Boston I'm mostly familiar with Boston bands, so be sure to leave a comment to tell me about favorite bands in other areas.
In no particular order...