Blog | Undersea

Our last and final name is Undersea...

Written by David Joseph Hunt | June 19, 2014

"Oh our last and final name is Nirvana." - Kurt Cobain

When Kurt Cobain scribbled that diary entry into one of his spiral spiral-bound notebooks, he had knowingly or unknowingly come up with one of...if not the best band name of all time. It's simple, powerful, without extreme connotations, and ultimately enhanced and was enhanced by the music the band made. And it turns out that in 2014, it's pretty hard to come up with a decent, if not good band name.

This current musical endevor, grew out of a band called Eolune. Eolune was a band that Corey and I started, during the summer of 2007. We intially didn't have a drummer, so we starting taking the proggy riff-filled music of our high school days, and backing it with electronic loops and samples. That summer was a really creatively productive time, because we just made music without any regards for how we would perform it live or if we ever even would.

Eolune, pronounced "ee oh loon" or "ay loon" (if you prefer), turned out to be much harder for people to say than one might have orignally thought. I would find myself having to clarify that our name was not "Yo Loon" or "Eel Room." But I like vowels and moons and the way it looked on we stuck with it.

In the following years, we ended up releasing two EPs and performing with many incarnations of the band. We were very fortunate to play with many talented musicians and record with some amazing engineers.

In 2011, after Matt, one of our guitarists, left the band, we decided to stop playing shows and just write music. Seth, Corey, and I holed up in our soon to be condemned rehearsal space near Fenway park and wrote music week after week. We wrote some good songs. And then we wrote some better ones. Pretty soon, we had as many new songs as would fit into a Bruce Springsteen set.

It felt like that first summer with Eolune, just making music for music's sake, but it also felt very new. Although at times, we tried to get back to integrating loops/samples/synths, it didn't feel right. When Matt moved back to Boston at the end of last year, and we once more became a quartet, it just seemed as though this was a new band, and so we needed a new band name.

The best band name was already taken, as well as prety much every single word noun there exists in the English language. So, our last and final name is Undersea.